Yatin Kalki
King Cobra Ecology and Conservation: Using radio telemetry data to gain a better understanding of king cobra ecology, home range, movement patterns, diet and breeding behaviour; Trophic Ecology: Using first-hand observations and crowdsourced data to gain novel insights on the dietary niches of various herp species; Human-snake Conflict Management: Devising best practices for snakebite mitigation through the scientific management of human-commensal snake species through evidence-based protocols for snake rescue and relocation; Spatial Distribution of Herp Species: Recording the presence of herp species in poorly surveyed regions to map their distribution across precise spatial scales; Natural History of Indian Herps: Recording novel or unique behavioural observations on the ecology and natural history of Indian herpetofauna.
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https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yatin-Kalki; https://www.instagram.com/vegancobra